Month: June 2023

Learning Design and my perspective on how learning design would apply to our project

experiential Learning Theory

The partial knowledge is from the link below:


The experiential learning theory has four stages—concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation[1]. The first three concepts are more cognitivism and constructivism, while the second parts are more behavioralism because it 

The benefits of experiential learning include a high opportunity to immediately apply knowledge, promotion of teamwork, improved motivation with instant feedback, high-level reflection, and Real-world practice[1]. From my perspective, the potential benefit of experiential learning theory can also balance the student’s learning process based on the learner’s character risk, because, in the experience, people can collaborate to compromise their advantage and disadvantage during the experiment. It can also provide an on-hand experience that boosts behavioral learning.

Since we are working on AI knowledge, it is very difficult to assess because most Ai tech resources on the internet are not transparent or free. 

Inquiry-Based Learning method [2]

This is an education method that is created to encourage students to provide a problem-solving mindset to investigate the real world. The method encourages to use of models to encounter the problems[2].

Its Benefits include Increase Critical Thinking, problem-solving mindset training, this learning method also encourages creativity, and Improve Communication Skills

It links students from basic concepts to the real world. Comparing experiential learning methods, Inquiry-based learning is easier to assess.

However, this learning approach is weak on Cognitive and Behavioral training, and fully on constructivism. That is caused by the heavily conceptual learning rather than on-hand experience.


From my perspective, all these learning concepts are linked to reality and conceptualization. Therefore, I believe these concepts are linked to the constructivist learning ideology. Between these two, the experiential theory is more behavioral and cognitive because it asks the students to experiment by themselves on the subjects. However, in our project, we cannot afford AI application usage, yet we can provide links to the students to experience the usage of AI themselves. In this way, our learning process can involve experiential learning. That also means the students’ learning outcomes cannot be assessed properly. Therefore, the students will not experience the experiential learning process.

Compared with experiential learning, I believe we will have a chance to use Inquiry-based learning in my sections. In my section, the student will book a time for debates on the pros and cons of the Usage of AI in the Healthcare Industry with other students. Therefore, they have to use problem-based analysis to sort out the problem on specific topics.

Therefore, when we are educating students, we can set up ideal learning goals with multiple learning methods. Despite this, we have to compromise our goals and methods with our educational resources.

Study Motive and Theory

Constructivism, Cognitivism, and Behaviorism are all great theories; I think they differ based on materialism and idealism. This means, two of the ideologies (behaviorism and cognitivism) are based on the matter world while the other one (Constructivism) is based on the center of our minds and cognition.

when I was studying these three ideologies, I paid attention to the ideology-targeted subject, and use logic to see whether the demonstrated process is necessary through learning.

After reading, I prefer behaviorism to cognitivism and constructivism in my study plan based on my social experience. Constructivism may sound very ideal and logically make sense. However, it is not necessary throughout the process. I can use a very simple example to counter this theory: There was a boy who studies mathematics and physics in a Chinese middle school. He has no experience with how society works. However, he used more than 90 hours studying per week. There are strong stimulation and feedback between the student and teacher, so the student still successfully becomes the provincial top 200s in math and physics probably. He was not affected by social practice and background. Constructivism is still one of my favorites because it argues from the purpose of studying to the method of studying.

In practice, I believe cognitive, behavioral, and constructive education theory demands a cohort study across ages, education levels, nationality, and other factors to find the best solution for education. From the reading in the article, I believe cognitivism and behaviorism are more suitable for education which does not require students to obtain sufficient social experience to achieve goals, and constructivism is vice versa.

In our group assignment, I believe my education method is more constructive rather than behavioral and cognitive. This is because I used the reading-analysis-debate-reflect strategy to help students understand the current risk and benefits of using AI tech for healthcare. This topic requires you to have a strong social experience, cultural knowledge, and basic technical knowledge to have a strong debate result. You must use current data in the healthcare society to prove it as well. My topic aims to educate and promote analysis skills, communication skills, and other business core competencies in real life. Moreover, my education target is mostly university colleagues. Therefore, I believe I am using constructivism is more meaningful for the students.